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openwrt:reflash_with_usb [2013/12/03 20:38]
matthias created
openwrt:reflash_with_usb [2017/12/11 09:48] (current)
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 ====== Reflash using an USB Stick ====== ====== Reflash using an USB Stick ======
-The following howto works, if you already have usb drivers (pre) installed. This can be manually or within a custom image 
 +YouTube video (demo): http://​youtu.be/​axQvgqvlhcU
-  * Download Image (linkFIXME  to your computer +The following howto works if you already have USB driver ​(preinstalled on the device. ​This can be manually or within a custom imageThe HowTo applyies ​to the most of devices, it uses the TP-Link MR3020 as an example.
-  * Power off the MR3020 +
-  * Take your USB device ​and put the downloaded file to your usb device +
-  * Connect the MR3020 to your computer via Ethernet. +
-  * Set up your of the computer to +
-  * Start to ping (this is the failsave IP) infinitive +
-  * Power the MR3020 on and when the WPS Button starts to blink push it (it will blink faster) +
-  * You see the ping getting response +
-  * Run +
-    telnet ​  * Download the image file to your computer, refer to [[openwrt:​hardware|our hardware list]] choosing the correct file. 
 +  * Power off the MR3020. 
 +  * Take your USB device and copy the downloaded file onto. 
 +  * Connect the MR3020 to your computer via a Ethernet cable. 
 +  * Set your computer'​s IP address to '''​''',​ subnet mask '''​'''​. 
 +  * Start to ping (this is the failsave IP address) infinitely. 
 +  * Power the MR3020 on and when the WPS Button starts to blink, push it (then it will blink faster). Note: The button name for activating the failsafe mode may vary per device (for example on the '​TP-Link WR1043ND v1': the '​WPS'​ button is named '​OSS'​). 
 +  * You should see the ping getting a response. 
 +  * Type:
-  * Plugin your USB Device to the pbx-router +    telnet
-  * Do the following commands:+
-   /​etc/​init.d/​boot start  (This will return some error messages ​ignore it)+  * Plug your USB Device to the pbx-router 
 +  * Do the following command:
 +   /​etc/​init.d/​boot start        (This will return some error messages - ignore these)
-  * Try+  * Then type:
   mount /dev/sda1 /mnt   mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
   cd /mnt/   cd /mnt/
 +  ls
   mtd -r write <your filename>​ firmware   mtd -r write <your filename>​ firmware
-  ​ 
-  * The device reboots automatically after successfully flashing 
 +  * The device reboots automatically after successfully flashing. ​
-If mount does not work, you can do+If the mount does not work, you can do:
   mount_root   mount_root
-Wich mounts your root partition ​and you can edit files. ​after you are finished run+Which mounts your root partition ​in order you can edit files. ​After you have finish, type:
   reboot -f   reboot -f