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laptop:mods [2016/10/09 07:48]
matthias [PirateBox Laptop Mods] add php mod for 1.1.0
laptop:mods [2017/07/07 07:27] (current)
matthias [Modifications for PirateBox]
Line 16: Line 16:
 Depending on you distribution,​ you need to check, if PHP path is limited to something. Search for the line ''​doc_root = ''​. Depending on you distribution,​ you need to check, if PHP path is limited to something. Search for the line ''​doc_root = ''​.
-After this make a ''​reboot''​. +After this make a ''​reboot''​. ​ All ''​.php''​ files are processed, as long as these are placed in the ''/​content/''​ folder. This folder is located in ''/​opt/​piratebox/​share''​. In fastcgi-php.conf,​ the thread limit is 1, if you run on a multiple core system you may want to increase it. 
-====== Modifications for PirateBox ​1.0 ======+
 ==== Change SSID ==== ==== Change SSID ====
Line 65: Line 65:
-==== Secured directories ==== 
-With secured directories it is possible to save folder with passwords or simply upload into a folder structure. To enable this feature, find the following lines in **/​opt/​piratebox/​conf/​piratebox.conf** 
-  ## Droopy Userdir Option? 
-  # Uncomment the following line to enable Userdirs 
-  #​DROOPY_USERDIR="​-u True" 
-  ​ 
-Remove the # in the last line and restart your PirateBox-Scripts. 
 ==== Exchange Upload-Folder ==== ==== Exchange Upload-Folder ====
Line 96: Line 87:
 ==== Hostname ==== ==== Hostname ====
 +Simply run the following command
 +  sudo /​opt/​piratebox/​bin/​install_piratebox.sh /​opt/​piratebox/​conf/​piratebox.conf hostname my_new_hostname
-FIXME new command line option in install_piratebox.sh 
-4. Change hostname in the index.html **/​opt/​piratebox/​www/​index.html** 
-   <​iframe ​ width='​650'​ frameBorder='​0'​ src='​http://​piratebox.lan:​8080'>​Your browser does not supprt Iframes.. If you want to upload something, follow this <a href='​http://​piratebox.lan:​8080'>​Link</​a></​iframe>​ 
 ==== Custom Directory Listing ==== ==== Custom Directory Listing ====
 How to customize your personall directory-listing is described on the [[http://​redmine.lighttpd.net/​projects/​lighttpd/​wiki/​Docs:​ModDirlisting|Lighttpd wiki]] How to customize your personall directory-listing is described on the [[http://​redmine.lighttpd.net/​projects/​lighttpd/​wiki/​Docs:​ModDirlisting|Lighttpd wiki]]
 +==== Show connected clients ====
 +There is a script, which greps the needed informations from "​iw"​. It was designed to run on OpenWRT, but it might work on laptops, too.
 +If you want to use this, run the following command:
 +    /​opt/​piratebox/​bin/​install_piratebox.sh /​opt/​piratebox/​conf/​piratebox.conf station_cnt ​
 +    ​
 +The makes an entry to your crontab of the current user. It updates a station_cnt.txt file in /​opt/​piratebox/​www every 2 minutes. On **OpenWRT you have to** ensure, that the cron daemon runs:
 +   /​etc/​init.d/​cron enable && /​etc/​init.d/​cron start 
 +==== Calibre OPDS ====
 +FIXME create an Laptop RPi version of this
 +Some of our member wrote a great tutorial to get the software running: [[http://​forum.daviddarts.com/​read.php?​8,​7921,​7957#​msg-7957|PirateBox + COPS (Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server)]]
 +==== OpenStreetMap on Piratebox ====
 +FIXME create an Laptop RPi version of this
 +[[https://​github.com/​reinvented/​openstreetbox|PirateBox + OpenStreetMap]]
 ==== PHP for PirateBox ==== ==== PHP for PirateBox ====
Line 147: Line 161:
     ln -s /​mnt/​usb/​PirateBox/​wiki ​ /​opt/​piratebox/​www/​php/​wiki     ln -s /​mnt/​usb/​PirateBox/​wiki ​ /​opt/​piratebox/​www/​php/​wiki
-==== Show connected clients ==== 
-There is a script, which greps the needed informations from "​iw"​. It was designed to run on OpenWRT, but it might work on laptops, too. 
-If you want to use this, run the following command: 
-    /​opt/​piratebox/​bin/​install_piratebox.sh /​opt/​piratebox/​conf/​piratebox.conf station_cnt ​ 
-    ​ 
-The makes an entry to your crontab of the current user. It updates a station_cnt.txt file in /​opt/​piratebox/​www every 2 minutes. On **OpenWRT you have to** ensure, that the cron daemon runs: 
-   /​etc/​init.d/​cron enable && /​etc/​init.d/​cron start  
-==== www offload ==== 
-This option is important for the OpenWRT users. You want a www folder on your USB stick? ​ 
-Put your folder to  
-    <usb device>/​PirateBox/​www_alt ​ 
-Then install your box or run the following commands on your box 
-    /​etc/​init.d/​piratebox stop 
-    /​etc/​init.d/​piratebox updatePB 
-    /​etc/​init.d/​piratebox start 
-        ​ 
-The folder is recognized, if the following message apears: 
-    ---------------------------------------------------- 
-    ####      Alternative www folder found          #### 
-    ####          /​mnt/​usb/​PirateBox/​www_alt ​       #### 
-    ####         ​switching directories ​             #### 
-    ---------------------------------------------------- 
-==== Calibre OPDS ==== 
-FIXME create an Laptop RPi version of this 
-Some of our member wrote a great tutorial to get the software running: [[http://​forum.daviddarts.com/​read.php?​8,​7921,​7957#​msg-7957|PirateBox + COPS (Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server)]] 
-==== OpenStreetMap on Piratebox ==== 
-FIXME create an Laptop RPi version of this 
-[[https://​github.com/​reinvented/​openstreetbox|PirateBox + OpenStreetMap]]