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generic:mods:piratebox_behind_ap [2013/11/16 18:09]
matthias [NetworkManager] fixed link
generic:mods:piratebox_behind_ap [2013/11/16 18:18] (current)
matthias [NetworkManager] fixed link
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 ==== NetworkManager ==== ==== NetworkManager ====
-You can try to disable the network-manager via the init.d process, or you can change the configuration of that manager for itself [[:​raspberry_pi?&#​network-configuration|like here]].+You can try to disable the network-manager via the init.d process, or you can change the configuration of that manager for itself [[:​raspberry_pi:diy?&#​network-configuration|like here]].
 But you can configure the networkmanager to [[https://​wiki.debian.org/​NetworkConfiguration|setup a static IP address(Debian)]] ​ But you can configure the networkmanager to [[https://​wiki.debian.org/​NetworkConfiguration|setup a static IP address(Debian)]] ​