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camp:start [2014/05/28 00:34]
camp:start [2015/06/02 18:31] (current)
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-<​h1>​PirateBox Camp 2014</h1>  +<​h1>​PirateBox Camp 2015</h1>  
-<p>Join us at the <​b><​a href="http://​piratebox.cc/camp:2014:​start/">​2014 PirateBox Camp</​a></​b>​ in <b>LilleFrance</b> on <​b>​July ​12-13!</​b> ​And be sure to check out the <​b><​a href="http://piratebox.cc/​camp:​2013:​gallery/">​video and pics</​a></​b>​ from our <​b><​a href="http://​piratebox.cc/​camp:​2013:​start/">​PirateBox Camp 2013</​a></​b>​ in Berlin. </​p> ​+<​p><​b><​a href="/​camp:​2015:​start/">​PirateBox Camp 2015</​a></​b> ​will take place in <b>BerlinGermany</b> on <​b>​July ​18-19!</​b> ​Be sure to check out <​b><​a href="/camp:2014:​gallery/">​our awesome 2014 camp pics</a></​b>​ and also the <​b><​a href="/​camp:​2013:​gallery/">​video and pics</​a></​b>​ from our <​b><​a href="/​camp:​2013:​start/">​2013 PirateBox Camp</​a></​b>​ in <b>Berlin.</​b> ​</​p> ​
-<img src="http://​piratebox.cc/_media/piratebox.camp.2013.7.jpg" class="​img-responsive img-rounded"​ alt="​PirateBox Camp">  ​+<img src="/​_media/​camp:pbx31.jpg" class="​img-responsive img-rounded"​ alt="​PirateBox Camp">  ​
   <​h1>​PirateBox Camp</​h1>​   <​h1>​PirateBox Camp</​h1>​
-  <​p><​b>​PirateBox Camp</​b>​ brings together the PirateBox community of developers, contributors and users for a free (as in <​b>​beer <​i>​and</​i>​ freedom</​b>​) weekend of hacking, learning and networking. Visit the <​b><​a href="http://​piratebox.cc/​camp:​2013:​gallery/">​PirateBox Camp Gallery</​a></​b>​ for pics and videos from past camps.</​p>​+  <​p><​b>​PirateBox Camp</​b>​ brings together the PirateBox community of developers, contributors and users for a free (as in <​b>​beer <​i>​and</​i>​ freedom</​b>​) weekend of hacking, learning and networking. Visit the <​b><​a href="/​camp:​2013:​gallery/">​PirateBox Camp Gallery</​a></​b>​ for pics and videos from past camps. And be sure to follow <​b><​a href="​http://​twitter.com/​pirateboxcamp/">​@PirateBoxCamp</​a></​b>​ for real time updates.</​p> ​ 
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