Most of the following HowTos apply to a Raspberry or other normal OS versions.
If not listed separately the documentation of 1.0.x applies.
PHP should be ready to run. To activate PHP on PirateBox, you need to edit /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
and remove the #
in front of the last line: #include “/opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/fastcgi-php.conf”
The can be achieved with the following command, too:
sed -i -e 's|^#include "/opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/fastcgi-php.conf"|include "/opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/fastcgi-php.conf"|' \ /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
Depending on you distribution, you need to check, if PHP path is limited to something. Search for the line doc_root =
After this make a reboot
. All .php
files are processed, as long as these are placed in the /content/
folder. This folder is located in /opt/piratebox/share
. In fastcgi-php.conf, the thread limit is 1, if you run on a multiple core system you may want to increase it.
Edit the file /opt/piratebox/conf/hostapd.conf and change the line
ssid=piratebox: free share
and restart your PirateBox-Scripts
#Network NET=192.168.77
And if you want to change the IP of your Box directly, you need to find this line and exchange the 1:
#IP-SHORT (is stringed together) # Which IP is your Box?? i.e. 1 => IP_SHORT=1
For installing the pyForum named Forest, run:
/opt/piratebox/bin/ /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf pyForum
Files for the forum are stored in /opt/piratebox/forumspace (which should be Backuped before upgrading).
On scriptbased PirateBox you have to do the following additional steps:
Ensure that the basic Perl-Packages are installed. Usually everything needed is in the basic install included, and if you encounter problems, you can find “dumps”/“Errors” of the board in /opt/piratebox/tmp/break.log
This installs the kareha Imageboard to you Piratebox. It will installed to /opt/piratebox/shared/board . Read your system specific stuff! The following command is required, to ensure everything is setup correctly:
/opt/piratebox/bin/ /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf imageboard
If you made a mistake, you have to remove /opt/piratebox/share/board/init_done to get a fresh clean install.
Do you want, that your users uploads to a different directory than the default directory, where the “Browse” link points to? You can easily achieve this with editing /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf. Find this line and enter your new upload folder:
#Upload Folder # Change this if you want to user uploaded data in a subfolder # Make sure the folder exists # UPLOADFOLDER="$FOLDER/Upload" UPLOADFOLDER=$FOLDER
Avoid special characters in directory-name and ensure the directory exists and has the correct permissions!
On default, the Shoutbox is cleared on a new startup. To disable this, you need to set the following line in /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf to no
# Reset Shoutbox on Startup? RESET_CHAT="yes"
Simply run the following command
sudo /opt/piratebox/bin/ /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf hostname my_new_hostname
How to customize your personall directory-listing is described on the Lighttpd wiki
There is a script, which greps the needed informations from “iw”. It was designed to run on OpenWRT, but it might work on laptops, too. If you want to use this, run the following command:
/opt/piratebox/bin/ /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf station_cnt
The makes an entry to your crontab of the current user. It updates a station_cnt.txt file in /opt/piratebox/www every 2 minutes. On OpenWRT you have to ensure, that the cron daemon runs:
/etc/init.d/cron enable && /etc/init.d/cron start
create an Laptop RPi version of this
Some of our member wrote a great tutorial to get the software running: PirateBox + COPS (Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server)
create an Laptop RPi version of this
create an Laptop RPi version of this
php install routine
Then modify /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf. Find this line
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/cgi-bin/" { cgi.assign = ( ".py" => "/usr/bin/python" ) }
Add below
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/php/" { cgi.assign = ( ".php" => "/usr/local/bin/php-cgi" ) }
and find
static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php",".pl", ".fcgi" , ".cgi" , ".py" )
change to
static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".pl", ".fcgi" , ".cgi" , ".py" )
Find in /etc/php.ini
doc_root = "/www"
and change it to
doc_root = "/opt/piratebox/www"
Now every create a folder called “php” to your /opt/piratebox/www/
mkdir -p /opt/piratebox/www/php chown -R nobody /opt/piratebox/www/php
You can lay down you php files there or in subfolders now. You can lay down your php stuff on the USB-device and link to it. For example a link to my wiki located on the usb device:
ln -s /mnt/usb/PirateBox/wiki /opt/piratebox/www/php/wiki