Work in progress.
Github-Repository | Description |
PirateBoxScripts_Webserver | Contains all scripts you find in /opt/piratebox including the service file and script for creating the normal packages. |
openwrt-image-build | Generates the custom image files based upon OpenWrt imagebuilder and the PirateBox OpenWrt feed |
arch_rpi_image_prepare | Scripts to help you to create your RPi1 PirateBox image using qemu/kvm |
openwrt-piratebox-feed | This repository is derived from the single package repositories. The repository is used to hook it up into the OpenWrt build chain and create “100% made by OpenWrt-chain” packages |
package-openwrt-piratebox | single PirateBox package, which mounts the PirateBoxScripts_Webserver image into the system and customizes the OpenWrt-configuration |
LibraryBox Installer | Responsible for automatic installation of the PirateBox packages. |
PirateBox-Mesh | Core scripts for setting up mesh interfaces based upon B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced. These scripts are being reworked together with the repository package-openwrt-pbxmesh |
package-openwrt-pbxmesh | Contains the Makefile that generates the OpenWrt package file and maybe do modifications, if needed |
package-openwrt-extendRoot | This package contains the stuff need to be done to get a installation destination on the USB stick. During the initialization it enhances all needed parts, that PATH + librarylookup works. In addition for all needed software, that needs additional static linkings on the root filesystem, there is a module written, that -if installed to the USB stick- it creates links and do other modification, that the software on the USB installation destination can run |
openwrt-dev-environment | This is a series of scripts+makefile that help to automatize the development build and the creation of new stable+beta releases of PirateBox |
package-openwrt-pbxopkg | That package only enhances the opkg.conf of the package src of the PirateBox package. It is a clean way, that we don't need to hack around in the opkg.conf |
website-phorum-integration | This is the theme of the forum. |
openwrt-temp-repository | ?? |
PirateBoxScripts | The very first set of PirateBox scripts, which only included python stuff and no webserver |
AndroidPirateBox | Android-PirateBox Codebase |