====== PirateBox Vidoes ====== Talks about projects & videos from PirateBoxCamps === Montreal 2015 - Interview with Matthias === {{youtube>6YUeEaLOYG8}} === DefCon 2015 - Benevolent Access Points: How To Help People By Hacking Their Wi-Fi === {{youtube>LdfFlxUFtbw}} === PirateBox on Android (2015) === {{youtube>ursZdPLDvvw}} === Une PirateBox contre Big Brother (2015) === http://www.francelive.fr/lille/une-piratebox-contre-big-brother/ === PirateBox Camp 2013 in Berlin === {{vimeo>79125393?640x360}} === PirateBox 1.0 DIY === {{youtube>DwSh1zpOBVo?640x360}} === The future of offline filesharing === {{vimeo>46480638?640x360}} === Piracy for privacy - Introducing the PirateBox === {{vimeo>21720009?640x360}} === PirateBox on NYC 2.0 === {{youtube>WEGgUw34F1E?640x360}} === PirateBox talk at FSCONS 2013 === {{vimeo>79102951?640x360}} === CowBox ISEN 2013 === {{vimeo>59758286?640x360}} === PirateBox installation === {{youtube>H_F0jralvMs?640x360}} === PirateBox with chat (old demo) === {{youtube>3hKjxOEWaQk?640x360}} === Villes rebelles - A la découverte de la PirateBox === {{dailymotion>xral7p?640x360}} === Zataz WebTV 2 === {{youtube>d5OQphUz2Lg?640x360}}