
Technical FAQs and troubleshooting pages for the PirateBox. For general questions about the project, please visit the PirateBox FAQs page.

PirateBox Troubleshooting
===== OpenWrt ===== For technical assistance with OpenWrt, please visit the **[[openwrt:troubleshooting|OpenWrt Troubleshooting page]]**. ===== Raspberry Pi(rate)Box ===== For technical assistance with the Raspberry Pi(rate)Box, please visit the **[[raspberry_pi:troubleshooting|Raspberry Pi(rate)Box Troubleshooting page]]**. ===== Additional Support ===== For general questions about the PirateBox project, please refer to the **[[faq|FAQ page]]**. For additional support, please visit the **[[|PirateBox Forum]]** or our official **[[irc|IRC channel]]**. **Please note:** Before posting on the forum, please review **[[|this article]]** on "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". Key recommendations include: * Use meaningful, specific subject headers * Be explicit about your question * Be precise and informative about your problem * Grovelling is not a substitute for doing your homework * Describe the problem's symptoms, not your guesses * Describe your problem's symptoms in chronological order * Describe the goal, not the step * Don't ask people to reply by private e-mail or private message * Courtesy never hurts, and sometimes helps * Follow up with a brief note on the solution if you find one