====== Set up Single File PHP Gallery ====== ===== Configuration Files ===== we will start by editing the lighttpd.conf file. nano /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf scroll down the file untill you come to this line: static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php", ".pl", ".fcgi" , ".cgi" , ".py" ) remove php to look like this: static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".pl", ".fcgi" , ".cgi" , ".py" ) Scroll to the bottom and add these set of lines: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/gallery/" { cgi.assign = ( ".php" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi" , ) } save and exit. next we will edit the php.ini file: sudo nano /etc/php/php.ini and uncomment this line be removing the colon ';': ;extension=gd.so save and exit. create the gallery directory and set permissions: sudo mkdir /opt/piratebox/share/gallery sudo chown alarm:alarm /opt/piratebox/share/gallery sudo chmod 775 /opt/piratebox/share/gallery sudo mkdir /opt/piratebox/share/gallery/_sfpg_data sudo chown nobody:nogroup /opt/piratebox/share/gallery/_sfpg_data sudo chmod 755 /opt/piratebox/share/gallery/_sfpg_data ===== Downloading then uploading the gallery ===== Point your web browser to [[http://sye.dk/sfpg/|Single File PHP Library]] and download the latest version.\\ Unzip the //index.php// file somewhere on your computer.\\ Now we need to connect our computer to the PirateBox AP\\ Once connected, log in via sftp with an ftp client such as [[https://filezilla-project.org/download.php|FileZilla]]\\ Login information is the same as your SSH login ex.\\ //Host:\\ //User: alarm//\\ //Pass: *your password*//\\ //Port: 22//\\ Now browse to your gallery directory we created: .. -> .. -> opt -> piratebox -> share -> gallery Upload your //index.php// file and any //images// you would like.\\ **Disconnect.**\\ **Reboot** your piratebox to set all the changes.\\ Once loaded, browse to [[http://piratebox.lan/gallery]] to see if it works.