====== PirateBoxCamp 2013 in Berlin ====== {{vimeo>79125393?640x360}} **PirateBox Camp 2013** was held in Berlin July 20-21 at New York University's [[http://www.nyu.edu/global/global-academic-centers/berlin.html|Berlin Academic Center]] in Prenzlauer Berg. The camp brought together developers, contributors, and artists from seven countries. Participants gave presentations, shared forks of the project and worked on the PirateBox project face-to-face over two productive days. ---- ====== Gallery ====== Check out photos from PirateBox Camp 2013 in the **[[:camp:2013:gallery|PirateBox Camp Gallery]].** ---- ====== Featured Attendees ====== Meet the **creators** of the project and the **people involved** in the community! **David Darts** is an artist, designer, and creative coder. He is Associate Professor and Chair of the NYU Art Department and Director of the NYU Studio Art MA Program in Berlin, Germany. His work focuses on the convergences between contemporary art and design, technology, and democracy. David Darts has created the PirateBox. http://daviddarts.com **Matthias Strubel** is the main developer of the PirateBox, he lives in Germany. Matthias is known by his work on PirateBox-Forum and his page [[http://piratebox.aod-rpg.de/dokuwiki|PirateBox.aod-rpg.de]]. He works as a freelancer for several projects, focusing Software-Integration across different technical systems (i.e. Mainframe and Web). **Jean Debaecker** is an artist, PhD in Information Sciences @ GERiiCO Lab., and initiator of the PirateBox in France. He has co-animated with Gilles the french workshop in 2012. His work focuses on cultural & creative industries and digital reappropriation of public space. http://jeandebaecker.blogspot.fr **Gilles Hubert** is Master Student in Sciences Information. Keen on street art and new technologies, he is deeply involved in the PirateBox project from the beginning. He has especially co-animated the french workshop in 2012. http://tinyurl.com/gilhub **Peter Rukavina** is [[http://hacker.vre.upei.ca/|Hacker in Residence]], [[http://library.upei.ca/|Robertson Library]], [[http://upei.ca|University of Prince Edward Island]] where he works with staff and librarians to animate the work of the library, which has a specialty in [[http://islandora.ca/|open digital repositories]]. He saw a [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/mita/8704693944/|picture of a PirateBox]] and followed his curiousity, which led him to create [[https://github.com/reinvented/hacker/tree/master/piratebox/islandlives|a PirateBox version of local community histories]]. http://hacker.vre.upei.ca/ and http://ruk.ca/ And many more: **GuGuss**, **Nargren**, **TerrorByte**... ====== Location ====== Berlin is the //HackerSpace// city ! It's a great location for our first Piratebox Camp ! Here are some details about the location: NYU Berlin Academic Center Located on the 4th floor of the historic Kulturbrauerei (Culture Brewery) Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin, Germany [[http://goo.gl/AP3HN|See on Google-Maps]] [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/32294784|See on OpenStreetMap]] __You have to enter the Academic Center on the 1st floor. There, you have to authenticate with the security guy. After that, you are able to get to the 4th floor and then **join us**__ ====== Agenda ====== ===== Day 1 ===== Start at 10:00 am. - Introduction to the PirateBox, by [[http://daviddarts.com/|David Darts]] - PirateBox in France and beyond by [[http://jeandebaecker.c.la/|Jean Debaecker]] & [[https://twitter.com/Gilles_Hubert|Gilles Hubert]] - Lightning talks about projects using PirateBox - Technical discussion by [[https://github.com/MaStr|Matthias Strubel]] ''LUNCH BREAK'' at 01:00pm Start at 02:00pm - How to make the project more awesome. **Brainstorming** - PirateBox DIY (modifying 6 TP-3020 boxes, installing PirateBox) - How to get involved? , by [[https://twitter.com/GussTissier|Augustin Delaporte]] - What's next? by [[https://github.com/MaStr|Matthias Strubel]] - Round-Table Talks, moderation by the core PirateBox team End at around 06:00pm. Visit the C-base hackerspace and party at night ! ===SSIDs in the Air on Day One=== {{http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5324/9324794997_4519bc8a85_z.jpg|align=right}} ===== Day 2 ===== Start at 10:00 am. During day 2, everyone is invited to start hacking and coding on and around the PirateBox. We will brainstorm about future features or and try to complete some Bug-Fixes. Matthias and David will provide support on technical questions and provide instructions for using github, etc. The day will be loosely structured around three major discussion-topics (approximately one hour each): * **10:30** Feature requests. * **11:30** Social implications of PirateBox. * **15:00** Hack! The session will end at 06:00pm.